Park regulations

Our greatest wish when you visit BonBon-Land is that it’ll be a great day for the whole family. To make sure that happens, we have some park regulations that apply to all guests.

Above all, you must always follow the staff’s instructions and the signs located around the park.

Below, you will find a short summary of park regulations

Physical items that are permitted
It is permitted to bring food and beverages into BonBon-Land, but barbecuing is not permitted (this applies to any type of BBQ). It is not permitted to bring roller skates, skateboards, scooters, bicycles, music centres, drones and other remote-controlled toys into the park (unless you have received written permission from us in advance). When it comes to food and drink that you bring with you, you may enjoy these in our picnic areas, but not in the fenced in queue areas, on the attractions, or in areas in which there are restaurants.

Unattended possessions
It is not permitted to leave possessions unattended. Any items found left unattended will be handed in to our Service Center by our staff, where they can be claimed. Other lost items are also handed in here, too. BonBon-Land cannot be held responsible for any theft or loss of personal items.

Payment methods in the park
The use of cash is ensured throughout the park. There are certain tills where payment can only be made by credit card or Mobilepay. In any case, there will always be multiple tills available for visitors to pay with cash. The points of sale will be provided with information panels regarding the payment methods available. If you have any doubts, please ask the staff of the establishment, they will be happy to help you.

BonBon-Land reserves the right to refuse admittance to intoxicated guests or guests who are under the influence of other substances.  This also applies in the case of fighting or similar. When to exercise the right to expel or reject guests will always be at the discretion of BonBon-Land.

Pedestrian traffic in the park
It is not permitted to force your way through fences or other cordoned-off areas. Just as it is not permitted to swim in our water attractions and lakes (except in ”Den Våde Delfin” and ”Pelle Piratsprøjt”). When walking around and riding on our attractions, guests must comply with the instructions shown on the signs displayed at each attraction.

Queue barriers
You must not jump over others in the queue or save places for other people.

BonBon-Land is now a non-smoking park, so you are not allowed to smoke in the park. This includes any type of smoking!

However, we have allocated four smoking areas, so smoking is allowed in these areas only. It is not permitted to smoke waterpipes either inside or outside the yellow areas. The four yellow smoking areas are marked on our Park Map which is given out at the entrance and signs are also posted around the park. Picnics are not permitted in the yellow areas.

See the Park Map here:

It is permitted to bring your dog with you to BonBon-Land, if you follow these rules: Dogs must be kept on a leash during the entire visit , and must not be a nuisance to other guests in the park. In addition, you must also clean up after your dog, and are responsible for supplying your own dog poop bags. Your dog may not accompany you on any of the attractions. You may not leave your dog sitting out in the car while you visit us.

CCTV Surveillance
The park is covered by CCTV surveillance. Pictures may be taken for use on social media, websites, or similar. We do not use pictures taken of a few or single individuals without their prior agreement. In addition, pictures are taken on selected attractions to be sold in our photo kiosks. These pictures are deleted every evening.

Force Majeure
BonBon-Land cannot be held liable when an event outside the control of BonBon-Land occurs (force majeure).

This is considered to be the case in the event of, among other things, war, the threat of war, natural catastrophes, atomic catastrophes, adverse weather conditions, fire, import bans, health crises, epidemics and similar outbreaks of illness, quarantines and isolation invoked by national authorities.

The management of BonBon-Land reserve the right to change these park regulations without prior notice. This also applies to the opening calendar and prices.

For more information, you are welcome to send an e-mail to

Buy food and drinks in advance

Buy food and drinks in advance